Dec 20, 2015
Love made Flesh
Our salvation was not an easy nor a cheap endeavor, it required love and love beyond description. Find out how amazing this love is that Christ who was in the form of God, took on the form of man so he can satisfy God's wrath for our salvation. Now he is the God man that acts as our mediator.
  • Dec 20, 2015Love made Flesh
    Dec 20, 2015
    Love made Flesh
    Our salvation was not an easy nor a cheap endeavor, it required love and love beyond description. Find out how amazing this love is that Christ who was in the form of God, took on the form of man so he can satisfy God's wrath for our salvation. Now he is the God man that acts as our mediator.
  • Dec 13, 2015Object of Love
    Dec 13, 2015
    Object of Love
    One of the ways to measure the magnitude of love is to consider the worthiness of the object being loved. In this message Pastor John, Pastor John plays out a scenario of a wicked neighbor whose kidneys are failing and you find out that you are the perfect match. So what would love do, would you keep your kidney? Probably. God has loved us far more than we can comprehend. 
  • Dec 6, 2015Cost of his Love
    Dec 6, 2015
    Cost of his Love
    People love this season for so many reasons, but there is no greater reason than knowing the indescribable love of God that he demonstrated when he gave us Jesus. God's love is multi-directional, so that the evidence of our love for God is seen in how we treat others. Jesus loved us and died for us because he was deeply in love with the father. The goal of this message is to see the cost he paid and help us grasp the depth of his love.